Among the most ambitious missile development programs in India, the most complicated and confusing are the sea-based (including ship-based and submarine-launched) ballistic missile systems. Although the final answer has not yet been completely unveiled, India’s mysterious sea-based ballistic missile system has set off its hijab. On October 27 and November 7, 2004, Indian Defense Ministry and Defense Research and Development Organization conducted tests on submarine-launched and ship-launched “bows and arrows” at the Chandipur Marine Comprehensive Experimental Station in the State of Orissa on the East Coast Sanskrit “Dehanus”) ballistic missile system, warhead accurate landing in the Bay of Bengal waters. The international community has long acclaimed India’s test of land-based ballistic missiles. However, these two tests of the “bow and arrow” sea-based missile system have drawn world-wide attention. The reason is that such missiles can carry both conventional warheads and nuclear warheads. Its successful test-firing marks an important step toward India’s ability to have a nuclear deterrent at sea. However, it remains to be seen how much “bow and arrow” the Indian government and the military place their hopes on.