
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjuser
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近日从海南省住房城乡建设厅了解到,目前海口市已编制完成该市地下综合管廊总体发展规划和示范区专项规划。规划因地制宜提出了地下管线总体解决方案。按照“能进皆进、干支结合、区域成网”的原则,海口市地下综合管廊建设在新区与开发同步,在老城区结合棚户区和道路改造实施,逐步实现网络化、层次化。本次示范项目位于海口市西海岸新区和美安科技新城,规划范围109平方公里,示范项目总投资约36.1亿元,其中中央财政支持12亿元,计划3年建成。该项目总长44.68公里,将供水、热力、电力、通信、广 Recently from the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development learned that at present Haikou City has completed the preparation of the city's underground integrated corridor overall development planning and demonstration area of ​​special planning. Planning according to local conditions put forward the overall solution of underground pipelines. In accordance with the principle of “being able to enter all directions, combining dry and branch forces and establishing regional network”, the construction of Haikou underground integrated corridor is synchronized with the development in the new zone and the shantytowns and roads are rebuilt and implemented in the old urban areas to gradually realize networked and hierarchical . The demonstration project is located in Haikou City West Coast New Area and the United States and the Security Science and Technology Metro, the planning area of ​​109 square kilometers, demonstration project total investment of about 3.61 billion yuan, of which the central government supports 1.2 billion yuan, plans to build 3 years. The total length of the project is 44.68 km and will provide water, heat, power, communications and broadcasting
江泽民同志在“七·一”讲话中提出 ,要“大力推动科技进步和创新 ,不断用先进科技改造和提高国民经济 ,努力实现我国生产力发展的跨越。”这是我们党总结我国改革开放经验 ,
本刊讯 在市场机制驱动下,民营企业以市场反应灵敏而见长,民营高科技企业尤其如此。只要看好科技项目,立马投入转化。因而单以科技成果转化率而言,民营高科技企业远高于其他类型
今年是《社区再投资法案》(Community Reinvestment Act,简称CRA)30周年纪念。该法案创于1977年,确立了联邦政府一级加入存款保险的存款机构的义务,即要稳健地满足特许社区的
Housing reform is an important com-ponent of comprehensive urban reform. Thereform of the irrational housing system will,on the one hand, solve the urgent hous