报纸作为馆藏的一部分,具有连续性强,能真实、具体地反映当时社会情况的特点。如何利用和保管好这部分报纸,是摆在档案工作者面前的一项重要任务。新技术的发展,提供了一种可行的技术方法——缩微摄影。下面仅以我馆为例,谈谈如何做好报纸的缩微工作。 档案馆中收藏的报纸有其特点:首先其规格零乱,大小不一;其次其质量较差,由于保存年代久远,纸张发黄、发暗、发脆,撕裂情况严重,又因当时印刷质量较差,字迹颜色各不相同,甚至还有些油印小报质量更差;此外,馆藏报纸数目虽多,但都不完整。以上情况都给缩微工作带来不少困难。为了搞好报纸的缩微工阼,我们主要从抓好前处理、拍摄、冲洗这三个环节入手。
As part of the collection of newspapers, newspapers have the characteristics of being highly continuous and able to truly and concretely reflect the social conditions of the time. How to use and keep this part of the newspaper is an important task for archivists. The development of new technologies provides a viable technical method - micro-photography. The following is only our museum as an example, talk about how to do the microfilm work of the newspaper. Newspapers and magazines in the archives have their own characteristics: first, their specifications are disorderly and different in size; secondly, their quality is poor. Because of their long-term preservation, the paper is yellow, dark, brittle and tear severely. Because of the printing quality Poor, different handwriting colors, and even worse quality of some tabloid newspapers; in addition, the number of newspapers in the library is large but not complete. All of the above have brought many difficulties to miniature work. In order to do a good job in microfilming the newspapers, we mainly focus on three aspects: pre-treatment, filming and washing.