此次有幸作为全国地方戏曲精品折子戏评比展 演暨“芙蓉王”杯戏曲青年演员大奖赛的评委,在湘江畔的酷暑中度过了难忘的半个月。而每夜观剧,每日评议,到最后通宵达旦的投票,每每让我兴奋不已……因为这次让我集中地看到如此多的好戏,如此多剧种的优秀青年演员,如此多的舞台精品,更让我看到许多古老剧种的青春活力,真可谓“老树着花又逢春”。它展示了戏曲艺术强盛的生命力,更使我看到了戏曲兴旺发展的前景和希望。 “日出江花红似火,春来江水绿如蓝”,这传唱至今的白居易的佳句,常常把我带进江南那迷人的景色之中,而此时此刻我吟颂着……却别有一番滋味上心头。 7月的湘江畔,红日当头骄阳似火,犹如长沙舞台上色彩斑斓的一个个剧目和人物,跃动着火一般的热
The fortunate as the national local opera boutique Raffle Play competition performance cum “Lotus King” Cup Opera Young Actor Grand Prix judges, in the summer of the Xiangjiang River spent an unforgettable half months. The nightly play, daily commentary, to the last night’s vote, often make me excited ...... Because this time let me focus on seeing so many good shows, so many outstanding young actor drama, so much Stage boutique, let me see many of the old drama of youthful vitality, can be described as “the old tree with flowers again.” It shows the strong vitality of opera art, but also made me see the prosperous development of drama and hope. “Sunrise Jiang Hua red fire, spring to the river green as blue,” which sung so far Bai Juyi’s sentence, often brought me into the charming scenery of the Jiangnan, but at this moment I Yin Yin ... but do not have a taste On the heart. On the banks of the Xiangjiang River in July, there are a lot of hot sun in the red sun, just like the colorful repertoire and characters on the stage of Changsha.