经腹股沟疝囊高位结扎术 2 10例 ,平均手术时间 5 6min ,平均住院天数 5天 ,出现并发症 3例 ,随访 2例复发 ( 1.95 % ) ;经腹腔疝囊旷置术 2 0 8例 ,平均手术时间 30min ,平均住院天数 3天 ,无并发症出现 ,随访病例无复发。认为经腹腔疝囊旷置术简便可靠、复发率低、并发症少 ,对 7岁以下无合并鞘膜积液、隐睾、嵌顿之原发腹股沟斜疝选择性进行该手术是可取的
The inguinal hernia sac high ligation 2 10 cases, the average operation time of 5 6min, the average length of stay of 5 days, 3 cases of complications, followed up 2 cases of recurrence (1.95%); transcervical hernia excision of 208 cases, The average operation time was 30min, the average length of hospital stay was 3 days. No complications occurred and the patients were followed up without recurrence. That the transabdominal hernia unclamping technique is simple and reliable, low recurrence rate, fewer complications, less than 7 years of age without hydrocele, cryptorchidism, incarcerated primary inguinal hernia selective for this surgery is desirable