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冬天的西洋杜鹃娇气吗?听很多朋友说西洋杜鹃很难养,秋天买回后放在室内过冬,用不了多久,就渐渐枯萎了,大多过不了冬。我看了许多资料,都说它不耐寒,冬季室温保持5℃以上才能安全越冬。西洋杜鹃真的这么娇气吗?我从2003年秋开始栽培西鹃,除夏季因高温脱水偶尔死亡外,冬季都在室外安全越冬,并且第二年生长良好,花期提前。通过几年的实际栽培,我认为西洋杜鹃冬天并不娇气,在上海可以室外安全越冬,如果在阳光充足处,冬季还可少量见花。 Winter Western Rhododendron fragile it? Listen to many of my friends that the Rhododendron hard to keep in the autumn after the buy back on the winter indoors, in time, gradually wither, most of the winter can not be over. I read a lot of information, saying that it is not cold, winter temperatures above 5 ℃ in order to secure wintering. Rhododendron really so fragile it? I started from the autumn of 2003 to cultivate Rhododendron, in addition to summer occasional death due to high temperature dehydration, the winter are safe to outdoor wintering, and the second year of good growth, flowering in advance. After several years of actual cultivation, I think the Rhododendron azalea is not fragile in winter, outdoor wintering in Shanghai can be safe, if the sun is abundant, a small amount of flowers can be seen in winter.