目的 :探讨结核病患者医院内细菌 L型的感染情况及防治措施。方法 :对临床分离的 2 85例结核病并发细菌感染患者 ,同时做细菌型和细菌 L 型培养及药敏试验。结果 :细菌型培养阳性者 15 1例 ,阳性率为 5 3% ,细菌 L型阳性率为 17.5 % ,单纯 L型阳性率为 9.1% ;二种菌型感染菌种均以 G-杆菌为主 ,细菌型 G-杆菌占 73% ,L型占 88% ,其药敏试验细菌型部分菌种对青霉素和头孢菌素敏感 ,而 L 型对其不敏感。结论 :结核病患者并发医院内细菌感染 ,其细菌 L型也常常存在 ,所以在治疗结核病时 ,一定要防止医院内感染 ,积极控制感染 ,合理应用抗生素 ,避免预防性应用抗生素 ,以防诱发感染细菌型变成 L型细菌产生耐药性。
Objective: To investigate the bacterium L type infection in hospital and its prevention and cure measures. Methods: Two hundred and seventy-five patients with tuberculosis complicated with bacterial infection were divided into two groups: bacterial-type and bacterial-type L-type culture and drug sensitivity test. Results: The positive rate of bacterial culture was 15 1, the positive rate was 53%, the positive rate of L-type bacteria was 17.5%, the positive rate of pure L-type was 9.1%. The two bacterial strains were all G- , Bacterial G-bacilli accounted for 73%, L-type accounted for 88% of the bacterial susceptibility test of some strains of bacteria sensitive to penicillin and cephalosporin, and L-type insensitivity. Conclusions: Tuberculosis patients complicated with nosocomial bacterial infections often have L-forms of bacteria. Therefore, in the treatment of tuberculosis, it is necessary to prevent nosocomial infections and actively control the infection. Rational use of antibiotics should be avoided to prevent the prophylactic use of antibiotics to prevent the infection of bacteria Type into L-type bacteria resistant.