东北民众抗日救国会是九一八事变之后,以高崇民为首的东北爱国人士成立的第一个民众抗日救亡组织,也是中国最早进行抗战的民众团体,对局部抗战之初东北人民的抗战起到了很重要的指导作用。作为中国最早组织民众抗日的组织者之一的高崇民,在东北民众抗日救国会的成立、组织建设、主要活动中,均发挥了极其重要的作用,凸显了他和救国会在中国反帝抗日斗争中的历史作用。“,”Northeast Anti-Japanese Non-governmental Salvation Society(NANSS)is the first anti-Japa?nese non-governmental organization founded by Mr. Chongmin Gao and other patriots in the northeast China af?ter the Mukden incident which was a pretext for the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in September 1931. It was also the first non-governmental society that attended the actual fight. Therefore,it provided an important in?struction for the people’s re-union in the northeast China during the early stage of the war. As one of the found?ers of the organization,Mr Chongmin Gao played a central and significant role in all the main activities such as the establishment and development of the organization,which showed the historical influence of himself as well as the NANSS organization in the anti-imperialist and anti-Japanese war in China during the World War II.