尿路感染目前常规疗法为应用适当抗菌素5~21天,然而没有充分证据说明长程比短程治疗更为有效。由于一些尿路感染患者一旦症状消失便自行中止治疗。下尿路感染的患者往往服用1剂药物后症状即告消失。患者不能按医嘱规定时间服药,以及婴幼儿难以坚持长期服药等情况,因而一剂疗法具有一定的吸引力。 Gruneberg等以单剂周效磺胺2g治疗25例有症状的菌尿症妇女,22例治愈。该“超长效”磺胺药与氨苄青霉素每8小时服用0.5g,7天疗法的疗效相同。Williams等以链霉素1g合并磺胺甲氧吡嗪2g治疗47例菌尿症的孕妇,治疗率77%。本文作者以口
Urinary Tract Infections Current conventional therapies are the use of appropriate antibiotics for 5-21 days, however, there is insufficient evidence that long-term treatment is more effective than brachytherapy. As some patients with urinary tract infection disappeared once the symptoms will be discontinued. Patients with lower urinary tract infections tend to lose symptoms after taking a single dose of medication. Patients can not prescribed medication prescribed time, and infants and young children is difficult to adhere to long-term medication and so on, so a dose of therapy has a certain appeal. Gruneberg and other single dose of sulfonamides 2g 25 cases of symptomatic bacteriuria in women, 22 patients were cured. The “super long-acting” sulfa drugs and ampicillin take 0.5g every 8 hours, 7-day treatment of the same effect. Williams and other streptomycin 1g with sulfamerazine 2g treatment of 47 cases of bacteriuria in pregnant women, the treatment rate of 77%. The author of this article to mouth