吴会森不在乎他人的闲言碎语,也从不理会别人对他的误解、甚至是无端指责。过去的近30年里,在吴会森眼中,别人说了什么并不重要,重要的是他一直坚守着打造民族品牌的信念,重要的是在我国的广电行业中,他和自己的团队通过共同努力,让国人首次拥有了中国自主知识产权的摄、录、编、播、存全线广播电视设备——HDAVS DataCam,而他也将继续坚定地走下去……1999年,吴会森在日本大阪注册成立了国际精华株式会社,仅为公司的这个名号,他就花费巨资买断了“国际精华”名称的使用权。与其有着异曲同工之处的是,2005年,北京华傲精创科技有限公司(以下简称“华傲精创”),又由他一手参与建立,在北京海淀区上地科技园区落户生根。细心的人会发现,吴会森在给两家公司取名时,都取了一个“精”字,而这个“精”字,是他事业成功的关键词,更是他“中国制造”哲学中的精要所在。
Wu Huisen does not care about other people’s gossip, but also ignores others misunderstood him, or even accusations. In the past 30 years, in the eyes of Wu Huichen, what people say is not important. What is important is that he has always adhered to the belief of building a national brand. What is important is that in China’s radio and television industry, he and his team work together So that for the first time people in China will have HDAVS DataCam, a full set of broadcast and television equipment with independent intellectual property rights in China, and he will continue to walk steadily ... In 1999, Wu Kesen was incorporated in Osaka, Japan International Elite Co., Ltd., only the company’s name, he spent heavily to buy the “International Elite” name of the right to use. With its similarities and differences is that in 2005, Beijing Hua proud Precision Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hua Ao Jing Chuang”), but also by his own hands involved in the establishment of Science and Technology Park in Haidian District, Beijing settled down to take root. Careful people will find that when Wu Huicen named the two companies, they took a “fine” word, and this “fine” word was the key to his success, but also his “China Manufacturing ”the essence of philosophy lies.