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中国女性主义批评进入21世纪,在经过20世纪90年代大力清理文本和文化中男性中心观念、重评现当代女作家作品之后,步入到更加理性地建构中国本土女性主义理论体系的自觉之中:就西方女性主义理论的本土化问题、挖掘和整理中国本土话语资源问题,寻求女性主义新的理论生长点等问题展开积极探讨。本期刊出的这组女性主义的文章,《性别与经典的缺失:论晚明女性诗歌送本》这篇译文从挖掘和整理中国本土话语资源的角度,探讨1550—1560和1620—1630年间两次比较集中的女性作品选集出版事件在编排和评介两方面的异同,揭示除了商业兴趣以外,男性和女性选编者在编辑和挖掘女性诗作上存在的差异及原因。《论日常生活对女性主义批评的意义》从寻求女性主义新的理论生长点的角度,论证日常生活视角的引入和对众多日常生活理论资源的借鉴、吸收和转化,是中国女性主义批评获得时代感和焕发生机的有效途径。《处于边缘的女性》致力于清理文化中男性中心观念,通过深入考察王朔笔下的女性形象,对王朔潜意识深处的男权思想进行了批判。 Chinese feminist criticism entered the 21st century. After the concept of male center in the texts and cultures was drastically cleared in the 1990s and the works of contemporary female writers were re-evaluated, the Chinese feminist theory entered a more rational consummation of the theoretical system of Chinese native feminists : On the localization of Western Feminism theory, excavation and collation of China’s local discourse resources, seeking a new theory of feminist growth point and other issues to actively explore. In this issue of feminist essay, “The Disappearance of Gender and Classics: On the Delivery of Female Poems in the Late Ming Dynasty” This essay explores the relationship between the two versions The similarities and differences between the compilation and the review of the published works of female works in the second place are revealed. The differences and reasons of the editors ’and women’s poets’ selection of male and female editors in addition to commercial interests are revealed. “On the Significance of Daily Life to Feminist Criticism” From the perspective of seeking for a new theoretical growth point of feminism, this article argues that the introduction of daily life perspectives and the reference, absorption and transformation of many daily life theoretical resources are the times when the feminist critique gained An effective way to feel and revitalize. The “marginalized women” devoted themselves to cleaning up the male center in culture. By deeply examining the images of women by Wang Shuo, the “marginalized women” criticized Wang Shuo’s patriarchal thought of subconsciousness.
目的: 对创伤及骨病等各种原因导致的骨缺损的修复,在临床上一直都是一个棘手的难题。骨组织工程的快速发展,为临床治疗骨缺损提供了新的治疗方法和手段。细胞外基质材料的研
目的:  1.分析甲状腺上动脉血流参数对Graves甲亢的诊断价值;  2.分析甲状腺上动脉收缩期峰值流速(PSV)与促甲状腺受体抗体(TRAb)、甲状腺功能及不同时间摄 131I率的相关性;
目的:观察大鼠一侧睾丸扭转/复位后同侧和对侧睾丸生精细胞凋亡情况及睾丸组织中过氧化氢酶及谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力变化,探讨一侧睾丸扭转/复位后生殖能力下降的机制以及黄芪注射液对其再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法:1动物分组:将40只体重在150g-200 g之间的健康雄性Wistar大鼠按随机化原则分为4组。分别为假手术对照组(A组n=10);睾丸扭转/复位组(B组n=10);睾丸扭转/复位+单次腹腔内注
随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,非酒精性脂肪性肝病(nonalcoh01ic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)的发病率逐年上升,并呈现出低龄化的趋势。NAFLD是一种与肥胖、高胰