最近,北京人艺小剧场上演了两出奇 怪的姊妹剧,它们的剧名分别是小剧场昆曲《罗生门》和小剧场话剧《罗生门后》。奇怪的并不是姊妹剧这种形式,而在于这两个戏互相关联却又截然不同,风格迥异却由同一拨演员表演。至于两剧隔天轮换上演的安排,更是刻意地体现着它们的相关性。 人们对《罗生门》的原著不会太陌生,芥川龙之介的小说和黑泽明的电影都是极负盛名为人们熟知的经典,然而《罗生门》和《罗生门后》却在努力制造着陌生感。两部戏与其说是《罗生门》的中国版本,其实还不如说是两部与《罗生门》相关的、有关《罗生门》的中国
Recently, two peculiar sisters’ shows were staged at the Beijing Art Theater. Their names are respectively the opera “Rashomon” in the theater and the “Rashomon” in theatrical theater. Strange is not the form of sisterhood, but rather the two plays are interrelated but distinctly different styles of performance by the same cast actor. As for the arrangement of staging the two the next day rotation, it is more deliberately reflecting their relevance. People are not too unfamiliar with the original Rashomon, and Akutagawa’s novels and Kurosawa’s movies are all well-known classics. However, Rashomon and Rashomon Is working hard to create a sense of strangeness. The two operas are not so much the Chinese version of RASSENGER, but they are actually two related to RASSENGER, the one about RASSENGER