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有时候看碟看多了,总碰到“烂片”无数,然后发现能吸引自己的电影实在越来越少。于是会问自己,我到底想看什么?明知那都是虚构的东西,却总是希冀会有更精彩或意想不到的东西上演。也许每个人的心里面总会有一些叛逆的情结吧,而看库布里克的电影,则能满足许多人在这一精神层面上的渴求。库布里克和他的电影一样,是个离经叛道的人。这个祖上来自奥匈帝国的犹太孩子,13岁时从医生父亲那里得到一架照相机礼物,自此深深迷上了摄影,学习成绩很差,但高中时已在《Look》杂志刊登照片,17岁成为职业摄影师,开始环游世界。30岁时,库布里克开始醉心电影,1951年,他利用所有积蓄投资拍了第一部关于拳击手的纪录短片《Day of the Fight》并在电影院上映,此后,他全职投入到电影制作中。在经历首部长片《恐惧和欲望》的挫折后,库布里克接下来的《杀手之吻》和《杀戮》以突出的个人风格和闪切手法赢得整个业界的瞩目。继《光荣之路》、《洛丽塔》等电影之后,1964年库布里克执导的《奇爱博士》为他赢得了首个奥斯卡最佳导演提名,也为他拉开了科幻电影三部曲的序幕。该片以美国与前苏联冷战为背景,以异常硬冷荒诞的方式表达了对核时代的焦虑与嘲讽,影片形式与讲述手法之特别,无论其取材或手法在当时的影坛都引起了重磅炸弹般的轰动。《2001太空漫游》、《发条橙》、《闪灵》、《全金属外壳》、《大开眼界》……库布里克的作品一部比一部让世人惊讶,他的影片里散发出的光芒,在商业和艺术之间游刃有余的操控,成就了电影史上—座又—座的丰碑。在斯坦利·库布里克诞辰80周年到来之际,华纳公司发行了十碟装的“斯坦利·库布里克收藏集”套装,收入了库布里克的5部经典影片和1部专门介绍库布里克电影的纪录片。 Look at the disc and sometimes see more, always met “Sucks ” countless, and then found that it is less and less to attract their own movies. So I will ask myself, what exactly do I want to see? I know that they are all fictitious things, but I always hope there will be more exciting or unexpected things staged. Maybe everyone’s heart will always have some rebellious complexion, while watching Kubrick’s movie, you can meet many people in this spiritual level of thirst. Kubrick, like his movie, is a deviant. The Jewish child from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who got a camera gift from a doctor’s father when he was 13, became deeply fascinated with photography and had a poor academic performance. However, in high school, he had published a photo in Look Magazine17 Old became a professional photographer and began traveling around the world. At the age of 30, Kubrick started filming. In 1951, he took the first boxing documentary “Day of the Fight” with all his savings and released it at the cinema. After that, he spent full time in film production in. Following the setbacks of the first feature film “Fear and Desire,” Kubrick’s next Killer Kiss and Killings won the attention of the industry with outstanding personal style and flashes. Following the “Glory of the Road”, “Lolita” and other films, in 1964, Kubrick directed “Dr. Kelly” won him the first Oscar for best director nomination, but also opened for him the science fiction movie three Prologue of the prelude. The film, based on the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union, expressed its anxiety and sarcasm about the nuclear age in such an absurdly absurd way. The film’s form and method of presentation are special, regardless of the sources or methods at that time. Pound bomb-like sensation. “2001 Space rover”, “clockwork orange”, “Shining”, “full metal shell”, “eye-opener” ... Kubrick’s work than a surprise to the world, his video distribution Out of the light, ease of control between commercial and artistic achievements in the film history - Block and Block of the monument. At the dawn of the 80th anniversary of Stanley Kubrick, Warner Inc. released a ten-disc set of “Stanley Kubrick Collection” suits that included five of Kubrick’s classic films and A documentary dedicated to Kubrick’s films.
很多人都以为Blu-ray已经统一了次世代高清光盘,然而一个位于英国的NME(New Medium Enterprises)公司则在最近公布了一个新型的高清光盘格式HD VMD。目前已经推出了HD VMD播
《越空行者:特别版》Jumper:Special Edition推荐指数:★★★发行公司:福克斯/发行日期:2008年6月10日/区码:1区/视频格式:宽屏可变形2.40:1/字幕:英文、西班牙文/音轨:英语
《艺术家》(法/比)  主演:让·杜雅尔丹贝热尼丝·贝乔  类型:剧情/喜剧/爱情  故事发生在1927年,男演员乔治·瓦伦丁是默片年代的最佳男主角,每次他在舞台上,都会逗得观众捧腹大笑。乔治的黄金配角是他的爱犬,再知名的女演员也只有靠边站的份。在一次媒体采访中,乔治无意邂逅了一位表现欲超强的女士,佩皮·米勒。尽管后者抢镜出风头,但是他还是儒雅以待。然而,这则头条新闻的风头却压过了乔治的新戏宣传,