
来源 :机械工人冷加工技术资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbgch
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我厂三吨模锻锤年久失修,气缸套磨损达10毫米。由于缺乏大型设备,无法修复,致使锻锤长期带病工作,严重影响了锻件的产量和质量。后来制造了简易立式镗缸装置,经过实践证明,加工质量好,椭圆度小于0.03毫米,锥度在全长上小于0.06毫米,光洁度在(?)5以上。一、结构特点如图1所示,刀轴1下端安装在位于缸体盘根孔内的轴承座32中,其上装有圆锥轴承33,刀轴1上端安装在上盖6中的向心轴承9上,间隙靠轴承 I plant three tons of die forging hammer disrepair, cylinder liner wear up to 10 mm. Due to the lack of large-scale equipment, can not be repaired, resulting in long-term sick hammer forging work, seriously affecting the output and quality of forgings. Later, a simple vertical boring cylinder was manufactured. Proven in practice, the processing quality is good, the ellipticity is less than 0.03 mm, the taper is less than 0.06 mm in total length, and the finish is above (?) 5. First, the structural features As shown in Figure 1, the lower end of the cutter shaft 1 is mounted in the bearing seat 32 in the packing hole of the cylinder body, on which the tapered bearing 33 is mounted, the upper end of the cutter shaft 1 is mounted on the radial bearing in the upper cover 6 9, the gap by bearing
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INTRODUCTION During a journey taken to easternmost Hsikang during the summerof 1936,the author took the opportunity of examining the interestingterrace feature
In general, geologically speaking, it has been noted that if the formation of coal took place during the Permo-Carboniferous period, its volatile matter will a