病例①女,3岁9个月。突然站立行走不稳3 h。病前10天有感冒发热史。体检:神清、言语流利,无眼球震颤。颅神经未见异常。站立不稳,步态蹒跚,稍向右侧偏斜。肌力及肌张力正常,但指鼻试验不稳,昂白氏征睁闭眼均阳性。眼底正常,脑脊液常规及脑电图正常。给地塞米松5mg/日静脉滴注,五天后能独立行走,稍有不稳。七天后改口服泼尼松并逐渐减量至停药。住院23天痊愈出院。②男,2岁11个月.发热伴咳嗽、流涕四天诊断“上感”入院。治疗二天热退。但出现坐不稳、不能站立及行走,言语减少,用手取物时动作不准,粗大震颤,
Case ① female, 3 years and 9 months. Suddenly standing walking instability 3 h. 10 days before the fever history of fever. Physical examination: God clear, fluent speech, no nystagmus. No abnormal cranial nerve. Stable, staggering gait, slightly skewed to the right. Muscle strength and muscle tone normal, but refers to the nasal test instability, Angong white sign eyes open and closed eyes were positive. Fundus normal, normal cerebrospinal fluid and normal EEG. To dexamethasone 5mg / day intravenous drip, five days to walk independently, a little unstable. Change oral prednisone seven days later and gradually reduce to discontinuation. Hospitalized for 23 days cured. ② male, 2 years and 11 months. Fever with cough, runny nose, four days diagnosed “feeling” admission. Heat treatment two days back. However, there is instability, can not stand and walk, speech reduction, the action is not allowed when taking things by hand, trembling,