1983华,一位戎马倥偬40余载的某集团军副军长朱铁谷,离休后放弃了组织安排在杭州 度晚年的优越条件,落户于安徽省枞阳县的一个穷乡僻壤…… 眨眼13年过去了。今天,当昔日守着“金饭碗”过着穷日子的村民们,看到这块热土被外商视为投资的宝地时,都高兴地笑了;朱铁谷将军也舒心地笑了。这正是这位老战士解甲归田的心迹阿! 无悔的选择 朱铁谷1919年出生在安徽省枞阳县一个贫穷的农民家里,小小年纪的朱铁谷便在陈瑶湖做党
In 1983, Zhu Tugu, a deputy commander of a certain armed forces armed with more than 40 troops and troops, relinquished the superiority of organizing his later years in Hangzhou after his retirement and settled in a backwater in Zongyang County, Anhui Province. After blinking for 13 years . Today, when the villagers who kept their “Golden Rice Bowl” in their old days and lived a poor life, they all happily laughed when they saw this hot spot as a treasure of investment by foreign investors. General Zhu Tugu also laughed comfortably. This is exactly the mentality of the old soldier who returns to the field Ah! No regret choice Zhu Tugu was born in 1919 in Zongyang County, Anhui Province, a poor peasant family, the youngest of the Zhu Tiangu in Lake party do Chen Yao