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Smart Rounds Technology(SRT)公司自2009年起致力于智能非致命枪弹的研究,经过数年的研制,于近期推出Smart Rounds弹,最新产品定名为SRT18型非致命智能弹,其树立了无接触智能非致命枪弹的典范——关于非致命枪弹美国国防部指令3000.03E(Do D Directive 3000.03E)将非致命武器定义为,其是指那些被设计成使人员目标立即失去反抗能力或使设备立即不能工作的武器、装置和弹药,而且非致命武器 Smart Rounds Technology (SRT), a company that has been working on smart non-lethal bullets since 2009, has recently launched the Smart Rounds Bullet after years of research and development. The latest product is the SRT18 non-lethal smart bullet that sets the standard for contactless intelligence Non-lethal bullets - non-lethal bullets Directive 3000.03E DoD Directive 3000.03E defines non-lethal weapons as those that are designed to cause an immediate loss of defensiveness to a person’s goal or to disable the equipment immediately Working weapons, fixtures and ammunition, but also non-lethal weapons