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今年上半年,铜仁地区以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实党的十六大精神,贯彻落实省九次党代会和省政府一次全会精神,坚持以发展为主题,以增加经济总量为主线,以改革开放为动力,实施“强农稳区、兴工富区、旅游活区以及大项目带动、招商引资带动、城镇化带动”的发展战略,抢抓机遇、开拓创新、扎实工作,取得抓防治非典和经济发展双丰收。主要经济指标的增幅,均高于近年同期水平,超过了年初制定的预期目标。经济呈现出良好的发展势头。一、经济发展速度加快。一是 GDP 快速增长。上半年,全区实现国内生产总值28.85亿元,比上年增长9.4%,比去年同期高出1.2个百分点,比全省平均增长速度 In the first half of this year, the Tongren region guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’, earnestly implemented the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, implemented the spirit of a plenum of the 9th CPC National Congress and the provincial government, adhered to the theme of development, Take the overall economic growth as the main line, take the reform and opening-up as the driving force, and implement the development strategy of “strong agricultural stability area, prosperous industrial areas, tourism living areas and large projects, capital attraction and urbanization drive” and seize opportunities , Pioneering and innovative, solid work, made grasping the prevention and treatment of SARS and economic development double harvest. The growth of major economic indicators are higher than the same period in recent years, exceeding the expected target set early this year. The economy has shown a good momentum of development. First, the economic development accelerated. First, rapid GDP growth. In the first half of the year, the GDP of the entire district hit 2.855 billion yuan, an increase of 9.4% over the previous year and 1.2 percentage points higher than the same period of last year, higher than the average growth rate of the province
采用极端温度的物理方法处理毛新杨、银腺杨、银毛杨雌花芽 ,均可获得三倍体 .结果表明 :①雌花枝水培 1~ 5d期间是处理雌花芽的有效时期 ;②高温处理雌花芽检测出 10株三倍体
本文探讨了东干语中表示复数概念的构形后缀-му“们”的使用特点,以及它和现代汉语“们”的使用异同,并探寻了这些特点的来源。 This article explores the usage charact