糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病(DM)微血管并发症之一,其发病率高,报道国内0.9%~36%,国外约达40%,1型DM和2型DM并发DN者分别为30%~40%与15%~20%左右,且由DN导致的终末期肾衰在西方国家已构成晚期肾衰最常见的原因。美国透析患者中30%来自DN,近1/5的肾移植在DN患者中进行,给社会和家庭带来巨大难以承受的经济负担,最终严重致残致死。故越来越重视对DN的早期诊治,力求以各种手段防止其恶化进展。
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Its incidence is high. It is reported that domestic nephropathy (DN) is between 0.9% and 36% in domestic and about 40% in foreign countries. 30% ~ 40% and 15% ~ 20%, and the end-stage renal failure caused by DN has formed the most common cause of advanced renal failure in western countries. Thirty percent of dialysis patients in the United States come from DN, and nearly one-fifth of kidney transplants are performed in patients with DN, posing a tremendous and unaffordable financial burden to society and families, resulting in serious disability and death. Therefore, more and more attention to the early diagnosis and treatment of DN, and strive to prevent the deterioration of progress by various means.