购房者如何在买房前检查房子的质量问题是广大购房者普遍关心的一个问题。就此,有关专家介绍了几种方法: 一是买房先看有无裂缝。看房时先看地面和顶上是否有裂缝,尤其是裂缝与墙角是45度斜角时,甚至与横梁呈垂直状态,那就说明房屋沉降严重,有结构性隐患,绝不能买。
Home buyers how to check the quality of the house before buying a house is a general concern of the majority of buyers a problem. In this connection, the experts introduced several methods: First, buy a house to see if there is no crack. When looking at the first look at the top of the ground and whether there is a crack, especially cracks and corner is 45 degrees bevel, or even with the beam was vertical, it shows the serious housing settlement, there are structural risks, must not buy.