过去疟疾常常是阿尔及利亚一个重要的公共卫生问题,1952~1961年每年报道病例数都超过50 000。自1968年开始与毗邻国家摩洛哥和突尼斯一起,在世界卫生组织的积极合作下执行了疟疾消灭规划,到1988年该国北方多数地区进入维持期。
In the past, malaria was often an important public health issue in Algeria, with more than 50,000 reported annually from 1952 to 1961. Since 1968, along with the neighboring countries of Morocco and Tunisia, a malaria elimination program has been implemented with the active cooperation of the World Health Organization and by 1988 the majority of the northern part of the country has entered a maintenance phase.