【摘 要】
To investigate the fretting wear of steel wires in hoisting ropes, specimens were made of 6 × 19 point contact ropes. A model for the fretting wear was develop
【出 处】
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl
To investigate the fretting wear of steel wires in hoisting ropes, specimens were made of 6 × 19 point contact ropes. A model for the fretting wear was developed and a fretting wear test rig was designed in laboratory. A series of experiments were performed on this test rig. The wear volume was taken as a characteristic parameter to describe the fretting wear in relation to the contact load, reciprocating cycles and amplitude. Moreover, the wear mechanisms were discussed in the fretting process.
To investigate the fretting wear of steel wires in hoisting ropes, specimens were made of 6 × 19 point contact ropes. A model for the fretting wear was developed and a fretting wear test rig was designed in laboratory. A series of experiments were performed on this test rig. The wear volume was taken as a characteristic parameter to describe the fretting wear in relation to the contact load, reciprocating cycles and amplitude. Moreover, the wear mechanisms were discussed in the fretting process.
0 前 言在现代工业生产中 ,不锈钢复合板因其极低的含碳量 (≤ 0 .0 2 %) ,具有较高的抗腐蚀能力而被广泛应用。但这些复合材料在小口径管及法兰上的应用还有一定困难 ,
The SCC (stress corrosion cracking) susceptibility of steel I 6Mn in nitrate solution was studied. The results showed that applied potential polarization would
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