心绞痛尽管正严重地威胁着人们的健康和身心,但不少患者还不认识其真正的症状。有的将肋骨神经痛,误认为是心绞痛,枉添恐惧;有的却将心绞痛错看作一般性伤痛,兴师动众地涂擦解痉镇痛酊、外贴麝香虎骨膏之类无益于缓解心绞痛药物,而贻误病情的例子也不鲜见。典型的心绞痛,具有以下几大特征: 1、疼痛的性质:心绞痛发作时,常有一种紧缩感,沉重、窒息、烧灼或发胀样感觉。心绞痛时胸壁上通
Although angina is seriously threatening people’s health and body and mind, many patients do not yet know their true symptoms. Some rib neuralgia, mistaken for angina pectoris, add fear; some but mistaken as an ordinary pain, angina pectoris, promoted analgesic spasm analgesic, external paste 麝香 虎骨膏 and the like does not help ease Angina medications, and examples of delays in illness are not uncommon. Typical angina has the following characteristics: 1. The nature of pain: When angina pectoris attacks, there is often a sense of contraction, heavy, suffocating, burning, or bloating. Angina pectoris on chest wall