多年来企业效益一直在盈亏线上徘徊的湖北省安陆市种畜场,近两年却迈出了两大步。全场干部职工都说,这是场长刘华桥的功劳,是他用“金钥匙”打开了这把“锈锁”。种畜场是一个有30年历史的国营小场。多年来,企业效益差,是主管单位畜牧局的一个弃之不行、办而无效的包袱。 1987年,安陆市委组织动员科技人员到
Over the past two years, the company’s efficiency has been on the profit and loss line of the Anlu cattle breeding farm in Hubei Province, but in the past two years has taken two big steps. All the staff of the cadres said that this was the credit of the president, Liu Huaqiao, who used the “golden key” to open the “rust lock”. The breeding stockyard is a state-run small field with a history of 30 years. Over the years, the poor performance of enterprises has been a burden for the Bureau of Animal Husbandry of the competent unit, which has been abandoned and ineffective. In 1987, Anlu Municipal Committee organized the mobilization of scientific and technological personnel to