学习邓小平理论 增强工作信心

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随着农业开发性贷款、扶贫贷款、粮棉油企业附营业务贷款的逐步划转,农发行的业务范围相对缩减,于是有些同志为农发行的前途心存担忧。这对当前封闭运行工作或多或少产生了一些负面影响。笔者认为,这种担忧是没有根据的,无异于“杞人忧天”。杞人不懂科学,有“天会掉下来”之忧,而我们的这些同志是学习不够、认识不高,才会有“农发行前途难卜”之虑。对此,我们可以通过学习邓小平理论来提高认识,增强信心,从邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论中找到答案——农业基础地位要巩固,12亿人的吃饭问题要解决,离不开国家对农业的支持和保护,离不开农发行贯彻执行国家农业政策,从资金投入、金融服务上对农业实施有效的保护和支持。一、邓小平同志从总结我国经济建设历史经验基础上反复强调“要重视农业”。1939年,在炮火连天的年代,37岁的邓小平在总结太行山经济建设经验时说:经验告诉我们,谁有 With the gradual transfer of loans for agricultural development loans, poverty alleviation loans and grain and oil-based enterprises’ supplementary business loans, the scope of business of the Agricultural Development Bank has been relatively reduced. Therefore, some comrades worry about the future of the Agricultural Development Bank. This has a more or less negative impact on the current closed operation. The author believes that this concern is unfounded, tantamount to “unfounded”. People who do not understand science have the worry that “the sky will fall off” and those comrades who are not enough about our studies and have a low understanding will not be afraid of “the future of the development bank.” In this regard, we can learn from Deng Xiaoping Theory to raise our awareness and confidence and find the answer from Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The basic position of agriculture should be consolidated. The problem of eating 1.2 billion people can not be solved without the country The support and protection of agriculture can not be separated from the implementation of national agricultural policies by the Agricultural Development Bank and effective protection and support of agriculture through capital investment and financial services. First, Comrade Deng Xiaoping repeatedly emphasized on the basis of summing up the historical experience of China’s economic construction that “agriculture should be valued”. In 1939, in the days of gunfire, Deng Xiaoping, 37, summarized the economic construction in Taihang Mountain and said: Experience tells us who
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