来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kami121
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The relationship between major quality tools such as quality function development (QFD), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), design of experiments (DOE) and statistical process control (SPC) is analyzed through an extensive review of the literature and the concurrent quality engineering philosophy, and a basic structure for the integration of quality tools is presented. An integrated quality management system (IQMS) is developed using C++ Builder, running in the Windows 2000 Server environment with the basic internet connections, and SQL Server 2000 as the platform for developing the database. An illustrative example applying IQMS to the continuous quality improvement for a crane equipment manufacturing is reported. The result shows that the application of IQMS can optimize the process of design and manufacturing, shorten the cycle time of product, reduce the cost, and realize quality improvement continuously. The proposed integrated framework with IQMS is believed to be applicable to continuous quality improvement in many manufacturing companies. The relationship between major quality tools such as quality function development (QFD), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), design of experiments (DOE) and statistical process control (SPC) is analyzed through an extensive review of the literature and the concurrent quality engineering philosophy, and a basic structure for the integration of quality tools is presented. An integrated quality management system (IQMS) is developed using C ++ Builder, running in the Windows 2000 Server environment with the basic internet connections, and SQL Server 2000 as the platform for developing the database. An illustrative example applying IQMS to the continuous quality improvement for a crane equipment manufacturing is reported. The result shows that the application of IQMS can optimize the process of design and manufacturing, shorten the cycle time of product, reduce the cost , and realize quality improvement continuously. The proposed integrated framework with IQMS is believed to be applicab le to continuous quality improvement in many manufacturing companies.
摘 要:在预习、听讲、复习的基础上,对所学知识已基本掌握,但要对知识真正理解,能够灵活应用,还必须通过练来达到这一目的。练要在复习的基础上进行,练不是跳入题海,做的题多,成绩提高不一定快。  关键词:化学;方法;习惯    高中化学由于知识面广、横向纵向联系多、疑难点密布,许多同学认为化学难学,内容多、杂、乱。也有同学说化学"一学就会,一听就懂,一多就乱,一长就忘",在考试时很难得高分。这些都体现
近年来,初中会考地理试题以问题为中心,提供材料或以图像为背景来设置情境,以考查学生的地理能力和技巧,为此专题复习显得尤为重要。本文就如何开展地理小专题复习进行浅析。    一、结合新课程标准,确立小专题     1.以纲带目,把握主干,构建高质量的知识结构   新课程标准要求学生初步掌握地理基本知识和基本原理。地理知识本身就具有广博、丰富、实用、系统庞大而结构优化等特点。因此,小专题设立的立足点在