创意的天空 灵动的音韵——5款2.1有源音箱测评

来源 :家庭影院技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jooey
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2.1有源音箱,顾名思义就是一套包括有两只主音箱(2.1中的2)与一只低音音箱(2.1中的0.1)及内置放大电路的音响小系统,它的流行主要是集中在学生、白领及电脑用家等人群。由于主音箱与低音音箱的分离,不需要另配放大器,这种形式的音箱系统在外观设计上的创意空间非常之大,使用也十分方便灵活,同时价格不高,用户容易接受,因此市场空间十分广阔。其实,2.1系统这一模式早在数十年前即被不少国外品牌应用于音响系统之上,并非什么新生事物,家庭影院即为5.1的配置。而近年来,随着电脑的普及与家庭化、影音娱乐一体化的潮流,这种形式的产物再次迎来了春天。组织本次测评,最主要的原因就是2.1音箱高端市场的兴起,一些产品已脱离了早年“便宜货”的粗制滥造,开始注重品质与设计,外观风格鲜明,声音表现也相当出色,可以适应用户更高的要求。事实上,真正高等级的2.1有源音箱的设计与制作要求相当之高,并不亚于Hi-Fi系统,最主要的就是主音箱与低音音箱的频率要良好的衔接,同时高频、低频的延伸及动态还有相位问题都需要考虑。然而,由于高标准的2.1有源音箱制造成本过高,目前还不多见。也许,2.1小系统的测评对于我们这样的专业杂志而言,多少有些“小儿科”的感觉,但这并不影响我们对新产品、新创意的兴趣与激情。于是我们的测评邀请了几位年轻的朋友,他们分别是紫云、清风、蓝凌和穆悠,让他们来点评一下这些小巧的新产品。不知您对我们这种形式有无意见,欢迎您的反馈。测评系统采用了SONY笔记本电脑、ipod MP3、MOTO E680i手机及马兰士CD6000碟机等几种不同的信号源进行音乐、影片软件播放,并以桌面安装、试听室标准安装两种方式进行了试听。它们的表现如何?请看下文分解。 2.1 Active speakers, as the name implies, is a small system consisting of two main speakers (2.1 in 2) and a bass speaker (2.1 in 2.1) with a built-in amplifier circuit The prevalence is mainly concentrated in students, white-collar workers and computer users and other groups. As the separation of the main speaker and bass speaker, do not need to reprovision the amplifier, this form of speaker system in the design of the creative space is very large, the use is also very convenient and flexible, while the price is not high, the user easy to accept, so the market space Very broad. In fact, 2.1 system this model as early as a few decades ago by many foreign brands applied to the audio system above, not something new, home theater that is 5.1 configuration. In recent years, with the popularization of the computer and the family, the trend of the integration of audiovisual entertainment, this form of product once again ushered in the spring. The most important reason for organizing this assessment is the rise of the high-end 2.1 sound box market. Some products are out of the old “bargain-base” shoddy production, focusing on quality and design. They are distinctive in style and sound and perform well Higher user requirements. In fact, the real high-grade 2.1 active speaker design and production requirements are quite high, and no less than Hi-Fi system, the most important is the main speaker and bass speakers to a good frequency, while high-frequency , Low-frequency extension and dynamic phase issues need to be considered. However, due to the high cost of manufacturing high-standard 2.1 active speakers, it is rare at present. Perhaps, 2.1 Small system evaluation For some of our professional magazines, some “pediatric” feeling, but this does not affect our interest in new products, new ideas and passion. So our evaluation invited a few young friends, they are Ziyun, breeze, blue Ling and Mu You, let them comment on these small new products. I do not know if you have any comment on this form. Welcome your feedback. The evaluation system uses several different signal sources such as SONY laptop, ipod MP3, MOTO E680i mobile phone and Marantz CD6000 player to play music and video software, and auditioned in two ways: desktop installation and audition room standard installation. How do they behave? Please read the following decomposition.
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