世界卫生组织在《2013年全球结核病报告》中指出,2012年新增860万结核病患者,而中国所占患者总数为12%,仅低于患者总数排名第一的印度(26%)[1],同时耐药结核病的低检出率及低治愈率亦十分严重[2]。研究表明,临床路径(Clinical Pathway,CP)在规范诊疗标准、提高医疗质量、节约医疗资源等方面较传统临床诊疗工作有较大优势。1临床路径起源及其概念
WHO pointed out in the 2013 Global TB Report that 8.6 million TB patients were newly added in 2012, while the total number of patients in China was 12%, only less than India (26%), the number one country in the world (1) , While the low detection rate of drug-resistant TB and low cure rate is also very serious [2]. The research shows that Clinical Pathway (CP) has more advantages than traditional clinical diagnosis and treatment in standardizing medical standards, improving medical quality and saving medical resources. 1 the origin of the clinical pathway and its concept