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置身于洛杉矶西北郊,眺望耸立在峭壁上的几个巨型合金字母:HoLLYWOOD,不禁令人联想起水泊梁山和它的聚义厅。好莱坞之成为世界第一影都,究其根源也是一个“逼”字造成的。本世纪初,好端端的在东部繁华的纽约和新泽西州拍片的英国电影人为何要万里迢迢西征落后边区洛杉矶呢?发明家汤玛士·爱迪生在这场“胜利大逃亡”中是起了举足轻重的作用的。 爱迪生拥有一千余项造福人类的专利发明。他对发展电影技术所作的贡献也为世人津津乐道;他发明的电影视镜是现代电影放映机诞生的催生婆;他创建的世界上第一座摄影棚——“黑玛丽”——不仅是电影制片厂的雏形,而且还开创了拍摄情节剧和娱乐片的美式电影传统;他的那部短片《打喷嚏者》使他的助手奥托一夜之间跃升为世界上第一位电影演员。在电影初创时期爱迪生功不可没。 在历代伟人推动历史前进的实践活动中往往夹 Sitting in the northwestern suburbs of Los Angeles, overlooking the towering giant alcoves on the cliffs: HoLLYWOOD, can not help but reminiscent Shuibo Liangshan and its Ju-hall. Hollywood became the world’s first shadow, its root cause is also a “forced” word caused. Why are British cinematographers filmed in the bustling New York and New Jersey in the east at the beginning of this century wandering around in the Los Angeles area? Inventor Thomas Thomas Edison played a pivotal role in this “Great Escape” of. Edison owns more than a thousand inventions that benefit mankind. His contribution to the development of film technology has also rekindled the world; he invented the movie glasses as the birth of modern movie projector; the world’s first studio - “Black Mary” - not only The birthplace of a movie studio, but also the American film tradition of filming melodrama and entertainment; his short film “Sneezeman” made his assistant Otto overnight become the world’s first film actor . Edison contributed to the movie’s start-up. In the history of great man to promote the practice of the history of the activities often folder
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