程某,男,46岁,患者发热一周,曾在某卫生院服西药治疗不效,于1989年春季来诊。T:39℃,P:120次/分,R:30次/分,BP:16/9.3kpa,血RT正常,心肺(一)。处方:石膏60克、知母10克、甘草3克、二花30克、连翘10克、秋葵花15克,三剂,一日一剂。 药后体温反升至40℃,遂邀刘成武老师诊治,处以温阳扶正之品:制附子6克、桂枝10克、党参10克、干姜6克、甘草3克,三剂,一日一剂。药后其病大减,体温降至38℃,原方继服三剂顿愈。刘曰:过去曾用白虎汤加味治愈三例高热,症见壮热,烦
Cheng Mou, male, 46 years old, had a fever for one week and had failed to take western medicine in a hospital. He was admitted to the hospital in the spring of 1989. T: 39°C, P: 120 beats/minute, R: 30 beats/minute, BP: 16/9.3 kpa, blood RT is normal, heart and lungs (one). Prescription: 60 grams of gypsum, 10 mg of Anemarrhena, 3 g of licorice, 30 g of Erhua, 10 g of Forsythia, 15 g of okra, three doses, one dose per day. After the drug body temperature rose to 40 °C, invited Liu Chengwu teacher diagnosis and treatment, treated with a product of Wenyang righting: system Aconite 6 grams, 10 grams Guizhi, 10 grams of Codonopsis, dried ginger 6 grams, 3 grams of licorice, three doses, day one dose. After the drug, the disease was greatly reduced, the body temperature dropped to 38°C, and the original party followed three doses. Liu Ye: In the past, three cases of hyperthermia were cured with white tiger soup.