周围血管病变是糖尿病进展中的常见并发症,其中以与足部疼痛、破溃乃至坏疽等密切相关的下肢动脉病变多见,给患者生活带来极大的不便和痛苦。近年来,通过早期预防教育、内科干预控制相关心血管危险因素、外科介入治疗进行下肢循环再通以及干细胞移植技术实现重建下肢循环等治疗,该并发症的截肢率、病死率明显下降,提高了患者的生活质量。该文就目前糖尿病下肢血管病变的治疗方法、预防措施及防治进展予以综述。“,”Peripheral vascular disease is a common chronic complication of diabetes , among which the peripheral arterial disease is the most common one and is closely associated with pain ,ulcer and gangrene. The peripheral arterial disease brings the patients extremely pain and much inconvenience .In recent years, thanks to the early prevention education and the internal medicine intervention ,surgical interventional therapy as well as the stem cell transplantation therapy , the aim of improving the quality of life and declining the rate of amputation and death has been achieved .Here is to make a review of progress of the prevention and treat-ment of diabetic lower extremity vascular lesions.