Five quadratic orthogonal rotation regression mathematical models were used to test five main cultivation measures affecting sugar content and yield of fresh honeydew melon in North China. After computerized computing, 3125 composite designs were completed, of which 2164 were optimized with> 11% sugar content. For a variety of conditions in the choice of low-power, high-sugar, high-yield melon production best solution services. The program analysis results, phosphorus to improve the sugar content of the key role, Mushi phosphate fertilizer should be more than 75kg; potassium and sugar content is positively related to the cultivation of melon in North China should be applied potassium; nitrogen and sugar content of the negative linear correlation, The amount of application should be controlled. Nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium have a close interaction effect: when phosphorus and potassium are not enough, the application level of nitrogen is greatly limited; phosphorus and potassium are the key to increase sugar content and yield, and can fully utilize the benefit of nitrogenous fertilizer.