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《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》实施后,不少市、县对集体土地被征收后的拆迁工作感到有点难以适从。以往,集体土地上的拆迁也是按照城市规划区内的国有土地拆迁做法,由建设部门发放拆迁许可证。但现在,建设部门已经不再发放折迁许可证,那对于集体土地上的房屋在该土地被征收后如何“拆迁”就产生了争议。一方面是与被征地农民协商拟“拆迁”房屋补偿时,被征地农民一般都会要求出示拆迁许可证,另一方面建设房管部门又不再核发拆迁许可证;此外,即使按照《土地管理法》和《行政强制法》实施强制交地的,也不好在强制交地通知书中要求“腾出房屋”。 After the implementation of the Regulations on the Collection and Compensation of Houses on State-owned Land, many cities and counties feel it is a little difficult to comply with the demolition work after the expropriation of collective land. In the past, the demolition on collective land was also based on urban planning area of ​​state-owned land demolition practices, the demolition permit issued by the construction department. But now, the construction department no longer issues permits for the relocation, which is controversial over how the houses on the collective land are “demolished” after the land is expropriated. On the one hand, when it is negotiated with the requisitioned peasants that the compensation for houses will be “demolished”, the expropriated peasants will generally request to show the demolition permit; on the other hand, the building management department will no longer issue the demolition permit; in addition, Law “and” Enforcement Law, “the implementation of mandatory land, it is not good to force the land required to notice” freeing up housing. "
1狮子山是一座城市里的山,不过在三环以外,对凤鸣来说,就是这个世界最远的距离。  春天和秋天都有认得的人去狮子山郊游,带回来野生的猕猴桃,妈也不让她吃。  凤鸣有哮喘,春秋季发作得最严重,发作时就像要死掉。妈说,她这辈子都结不了婚,因为没人敢娶。  对面住进来一个男人,凤鸣刚上楼,那男人却冲下来撞掉了她手里的中药。凤鸣向他奔跑的方向张望,发现男人前方还有一个女人,穿至少七寸高的鞋,仍然逃得虎虎生风
他没法不自卑。  关于哥哥,就是家里墙上的一张合影了。那时候,每一年都会有一个日子,他爬上去,用力涂黑其中的一个头像。终于有一天,上面所有人都黑了——只有一个人例外,而那个人,已经离开家乡很多年了。  那是哥哥的中学毕业照,照片上笑得那么灿烂的一群人,不知怎的,仿佛是一传十十传百,开始吸毒。有些人是吸死的,还有一些人,消失了,消失到了一定年份,大家也都默认他们是死了。而哥哥,是被枪毙的。  他从小