
来源 :大连近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiming0077
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日本在辽宁地区实行殖民统治时期,警察机构是维护其统治的暴力工具。本文试从日本侵占辽宁时期警察机构设置与职能的研究入手,揭露日本侵略者殖民统治辽宁人民的罪恶行径。此项研究对教育人民特别是青少年勿忘国耻、开创未来,建设中国特色社会主义,有重要的现实意义。 During the period of colonial rule in Japan in Liaoning Province, police agencies were the tools of violence to maintain their rule. This article tries to start with the research on the establishment and functions of the police in Japan during the period of its invasion and occupation of Liaoning and expose the criminal acts of the Japanese aggressors in colonizing Liaoning. This study is of great realistic significance to educating the people, especially young people for not forgetting shame, creating the future and building socialism with Chinese characteristics.