据中国铁路总公司提供的消息,自5月15日零时起,铁路迎来近10年来最大范围的列车运行图调整。在中国铁路总公司统一部署下,各单位精心组织,周密安排,至5月19日实现了新旧图交替平稳过渡。涉及变更的2 193列旅客列车全部顺利调整到位,新图效应逐步显现。增开的旅客列车日均发送旅客23万人次、客票收入2 300万元,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。新图既是张“安全
According to the information provided by China Railway Corporation, since the midnight of May 15, the railway has seen the adjustment of the largest train operation map in the past 10 years. Under the unified deployment of China Railway Corporation, all units elaborately and meticulously arranged to achieve the smooth and steady transition of old and new plans by May 19. The 2 193 passenger trains involved in the change were all well adjusted and the new map effect gradually appeared. Passenger trains opened more than 230,000 passengers per day on average, with a total income of 23 million yuan and achieved good social and economic benefits. The new map is Zhang ”security