《一个人的面包屑生活》作者:【美】安娜·昆德兰出版:重庆出版社安娜·昆德兰(Anna Quindlen),美国著名作家、专栏作者、普利策奖得主。昆德兰的这本《一个人的面包屑生活》可谓文如其名,内容像面包屑一样凌乱,线索也如面包屑一样松散。如果你想看个感天动地的故事,那么恐怕要失望。如果你拥有一个晴好的午后,不去想尚未完成的工作任务;如果你愿意单纯地倾听一个“老女人”跟你讲述生活的种种滑稽和逆转,这本书将是睿智的选择。
Author of “bread crumbs a person’s life”: [US] Anna Kunde Lan Publisher: Chongqing Publishing House Anna Kunde Lan (Anna Quindlen), a famous American writer, columnist, Pulitzer Prize winner. This “one-man’s breadcrumb life” by Quinlan is literally his name, as messy as breadcrumbs, and as clues as breadcrumbs. If you want to see a sense of heaven and earth, then I am afraid to be disappointed. If you have a good afternoon, do not think of unfinished tasks; if you are willing to simply listen to an old woman, tell you all the funny and reversal of life, this book is a wise choice.