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1993.6CET6词汇语法试题解析成冀中41.[答案]B.hasbeenpromising[译文]这家公司允诺要增加工资,答应了很长时间,但是没有兑现。[注释]现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,也可能还要继续下去,通常与表... 1993.6 CET-6 vocabulary and grammar test questions were resolved into Suizhong 41. [Answer] B. Hasbeenpromising. This company promised to increase wages, promised a long time, but did not honor it. [note] When finished, it means that the action has started from a certain time in the past and it has continued to the present, and it may also be continued, usually with the table...
Let us go与Let’s go魏丽华许多人都认为lets纯粹是letus的缩略式,其实并不完全如此。章振邦《新编英语语法教程》457页有如下二例:1.Letsstayheretilthestormhaspased.(=Weshouldsta... Let us go and Let’s go Wei Lihua Many people think t
doso用法浅析史习冬《大学英语》精读第二册第四单元有这样一个句子:...Iapplied,fearingasIdidso,thatwithoutadegreeandwithnoexperienceinteachingmychancesofgetin... The analysis of Doso’s usage in Shi Xidong’s “College English” intensive reading, Book 4, Uni
乱世孕育 1922年(大正11年),《华盛顿裁军条约》签订,根据条约的规定,日美主力舰的比例是3:5,而此时,日本的假想敌就是美国。如果两国开战,日本主力舰数量上的劣势是肯定了
There be 结构是一种表存在的句型,它形式多样,结构自具特色,被广泛地用于口、笔语中。本文试就它的结构特点作一初步探讨和归纳,以提高对这一结构的理解和运用能力。一、该
My 20-year-old daughter Huang Silu is a student at Peking University. She was elected oneof the top 10 National Outstanding Young Pioneers at primary school. W
英语连锁疑问句赵玉闪文理科通用的《大学英语》精读第一册第六课汉译英练习中的第七句为“一个科学家要跟上本领域的新发展,你认为必须做些什么?“教师参考书的译文是“Whatdoyouthinkascientistmustdoinordertokeepupw... T
让烟草公司与客户关系充满生机和活力才是一个烟草客户经理永无止境追求的终极目标。 Bringing tobacco companies to life with their customers and vitality is the ulti
传统意义上的晋商虽已不复存在,但他们宝贵的精神财富却依然被从吕梁山脉走出的生意人传承、发扬着 Although traders in the traditional sense no longer exist, their pr