
来源 :文学界(理论版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanshao
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清初、中期思潮众多、诗论驳杂,沈善宝作为清嘉庆、道光年间女性文坛上的佼佼者,其诗歌受到清初、中期文坛尤其是诗坛的影响,本文即探讨盛行于清初诗坛的“性灵说”对沈善宝诗歌的影响。 Early Qing Dynasty, the mid-term trend of thought, poetic theory miscellaneous, Shen Shanbao Qing Dynasty, Daoguang female literary leader, his poetry by the early Qing Dynasty, mid-term literary circles, especially poetic circles, this article is to explore the popular poetry in early Qing Affection of Soul and Spirit "on Shen.