观摩新组合 汇报新成果——省水稻所推出品种间亚种间三系两系杂交晚稻新组合

来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cph2009
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金风送爽,喜讯传人, 深秋的九月,该是收获的日子,1990年9月26日在省农科院水稻研究所新建的科研大楼里,人群熙熙攘攘,互相热情地招呼和问好,内心的期待和祝愿洋溢于言表。有省科委、省农牧渔业厅、省、地(市)种子公司负责同志和有关技术专家50余人参加的杂交晚稻新组合试验示范现场会在这里召开。会程由代表们从数字、从田间现场获得印象和观感,再作出自已的评论和估价。《江西农业科技》编辑部到会作出报导。 Golden wind, good news, late September, the day of harvest, September 26, 1990 in the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Rice Research Institute of the new research building, the crowd bustling, warmly greet and say hello to each other, the heart Expectations and wishes are filled with words and expressions. Provincial Science and Technology Commission, the provincial Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, provincial, prefecture (city) seed companies responsible comrades and more than 50 technical experts to participate in the new hybrid late rice pilot demonstration site will be held here. Delegates from the figures from the field to get the impression and perception, and then make their own comments and estimates. Jiangxi Agricultural Science and Technology editorial department will make a report.
本文论述了我国非物质文化遗产——河南著名曲艺“南阳大调曲子”的起源和发展过程,以及现状和如何对其进行保护、传承与发展。 This article discusses the origin and dev
农业部于1990年9月16日至20日在哈尔滨市召开了全国大豆生产座谈会。参加会议的有大豆主产省份农业厅的代表、农业部大豆专家顾问组成员以及农业部有关领导。 会议讨论了近