
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fogstorm
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以1985、1999和2012年为时间断面,辽宁省陆路交通网络为基础数据,对辽宁省14个地级市的生活圈、基于时间可达性城市腹地和基于场强模型的城市腹地进行划分,研究交通网络演变对不同方法计算下的城市腹地范围的影响。结果显示:1)交通网络优化使各城市之间连通度显著提高,城市生活圈范围不断扩大并呈现出明显的线路耦合性和高速铁路指向性。2)提出基于时间可达性的城市腹地划分方法,城市腹地范围同时受自身与周边城市影响在省中部城市密集区域呈现明显的空间压缩效应。3)基于场强模型的城市腹地体现了中心城市依托自身服务等级对周边城市的吸引能力,形成了沈阳-大连两大经济中心竞争城市腹地的局面,将城市根据路网发展对场强腹地的影响可分为扩张型、稳定型、收缩型和弱小型。 Based on the data of land transport network of Liaoning Province in 1985, 1999 and 2012, and the data of Liaoning Province land traffic network, the life circle of 14 prefecture-level cities in Liaoning Province was divided based on the time-accessibility urban hinterland and the urban hinterland based on the field strength model. Study on the influence of traffic network evolution on the urban hinterland range under different methods. The results show that: 1) traffic network optimization has significantly improved the connectivity between cities, and the scope of urban life circle has been expanding and showing obvious line coupling and high-speed railway directionality. 2) The method of urban hinterland demarcation based on time reachability is proposed. The hinterland range of the city is affected by both itself and the surrounding cities at the same time. It shows a significant spatial compression effect in the dense urban areas in the central part of the province. 3) The urban hinterland based on the field strength model reflects the attractiveness of the central cities to the surrounding cities based on their own service levels, forming a competitive city hinterland between the Shenyang-Dalian economic centers. According to the development of the urban road network, The impact can be divided into expansion type, stable type, shrink type and weak type.
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