近 30年来 ,国内外学者对股骨头缺血坏死 (avascularnecro sisofthefemoralhead ,简称ANFH)进行了大量研究 ,但因其病因及发病机制不清楚 ,所以对ANFH的治疗缺乏依据 ,对各种治疗方法的选择及评价仍存在很大争议。对ANFH的介入治
In the past 30 years, many domestic and foreign scholars have done a great deal of researches on avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH), but their etiology and pathogenesis are not clear, so the treatment of ANFH lacks basis and the choice of various treatment methods And evaluation is still very controversial. Interventional management of ANFH