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胖大海:2枚至3枚,可治肺热咳嗽、咽喉肿痛、音嘶声哑、肠热便秘.罗汉果:取1个打碎泡茶饮,可用于暑热烦渴及咽喉发炎并失音.枸杞子、枸杞叶:各3g,长期饮用可减肥、养肝明目、补肾、降压、降血糖及增强机体免疫.青果:3粒打破去核泡茶,可解酒、止咳祛热、止渴清暑.桔皮:鲜皮18g,干皮6g,可治反胃、干呕、腹胀.银花:6g,可用于风热感冒、咽喉肿痛以及暑夏预防疖肿,中暑. Fat sea: 2 to 3 pieces, can cure Hyperactivity cough, sore throat, sounds dumb, intestinal heat constipation. Mangosteen: Take a broken tea drink, can be used for heat and polydipsia and throat inflammation and aphonia. Wolfberry fruit, lotus root leaves: each 3g, long-term drinking can lose weight, Liver eyesight, kidney, blood pressure, hypoglycemic and enhance the body immunity. Fruit: 3 capsules to break the nuclear tea, can be hangover, cough, heat, only Thirsty Qingshu. Orange: fresh skin 18g, dry skin 6g, can cure nausea, retching, abdominal distension. Yin-hua: 6g, can be used for Fengreganmao, sore throat and summer and summer to prevent bloated, heat stroke.