河南省长葛县人民法院档案员孙长锋,被全国最高人民法院荣记二等功。一个普通的档案员在全国法院系统获此殊荣,据说40年来还是第一次。见到孙长锋,感到他实在太普通了。身材不足一米七,虽说身着法官制服,却不具备法官的威严,脸上挂着腼腆的微笑,使人很难把他与“功臣”、“英雄”联系起来,只是透过那双深邃的眼睛,才使人相信他是个精力充沛的人。座谈会上,我们请他讲讲如何做好机关档案工作的,他显得有点紧张,说:“没什么好讲的,换了别人,也会把档案工作搞好”。好男有泪不轻弹,泪流了,只是……面对破败萧条的档案室,孙长锋发誓…… 1987年。烟花三月,桃红,李白,
Sunchang Feng, Archivist of Changge County People’s Court of Henan Province, was awarded the second-class merit by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China. An ordinary archivist has won this award in the national court system and is said to be the first in 40 years. See Sun Chang-feng, I feel he is too common. Less than one meter in size seven, although wearing a uniform of judge, does not have the authority of a judge, his face is grim with a smile, making it difficult for him to associate himself with “hero” and “hero” Deep eyes, make people believe he is a energetic person. At the forum, we asked him to talk about how to handle the work of archives. He looked a little nervous and said: “Nothing to say, change someone else and improve the archives work.” Good men have tears do not flick, tears flow, but ... ... In the face of dilapidated depression archive room, Sun Chang Feng swear ... ... 1987. Fireworks in March, pink, Li Bai,