Quantum fluctuation and interference effect in a single atom–cavity QED system driven by a broadband

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaodehuwei123
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Squeezed vacuum, as a nonclassical field, has many interesting properties and results in many potential applications for quantum measurement and information processing. Here, we investigate a single atom–cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) system driven by a broadband squeezed vacuum. In the presence of the atom, we show that both the mean photon number and the quantum fluctuations of photons in the cavity undergo a significant depletion due to the additional transition pathways generated by the atom–cavity interaction. By measuring these features, one can detect the existence of atoms in the cavity. We also show that two-photon excitation can be significantly suppressed by the quantum destructive interference when the squeezing parameter is very small. These results presented here are helpful in understanding the quantum nature of the broadband squeezed vacuum.
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首次用DV-X_a方法计算了终端声子激光晶体MgF2:V2 的电子能级和振动结构,给出的晶场能级与实验值相当接近.使用晶格振动的“呼吸”模型,得到了基态4B1g和第一激发态4B2g的振动势能曲线.在简谐振动近似下,它们分别具有454 cm-1和460 cm-1的声子能量,与实验值399 cm-1符合很好.另外,还获得晶体振动的黄昆参数,激活能,和Franck—Condon交距等参数.计算了四种温度(0 K,2 K,77 K和300K)下的振动线形,并与2K的实验吸收谱作了比较.
详细地研究了1.06 μm激光等离子体X光的辐射特性;分析了不同谱带发射强度对激光能量的依赖关系,并给出了K、L、M、N、O谱带发射强度对原子序数的依赖关系.
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