The 8-episode TV documentary “Bloodline”, co-produced by Nanjing TV and Nanjing Huayi Audio-Video Company, was broadcast on Nanjing TV on June 7, 2002. CCTV 4 sets also broadcast a daily episode on June 23 . This is the success of documentary television documentaries on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in recent years. The film has been highly praised by the Taiwan Affairs Office and the State Administration of Radio Film and Television and said it has interpreted the cross-Strait relations with new concepts, selected materials well, moved the country with emotions and made well-known productions. The topic of political, policy and sensitivity is very strong. With a unique innovative approach to cut into, with the story of television language choreography, beautiful and vivid images, very shocking. Reflects the production unit organization is effective, creative staff mastering major theme creation skill.