20世纪80年代末,阿尔巴尼亚发生了社会剧变。剧变前,M.埃莱兹(Mehmet Elezaj)曾任阿尔巴尼亚《人民之声报》总编、阿尔巴尼亚共青团中央第一书记,后负责阿尔巴尼亚劳动党中央新闻和出版工作,剧变后出任阿尔巴尼亚驻瑞士大使。他所著《我不是十二月的学生》一书,讲述了20世纪80年代末90年代初阿尔巴尼亚的社会剧变过程及其个人经历。为此,2016年10月,北京大学中东欧研究中心主任孔寒冰教授在地那拉对埃莱兹先生进行专访。通过对他的访谈,人们可以深刻地认识到,一个国家要发展,就必须坚持改革开放,坚持走自己的路,建立起适合本国国情的政治制度。只有这样,国家才能富强,人民生活水平才能不断得以提高。本文根据此次访谈整理而成,供读者参考。
In the late 1980s, there was a social upheaval in Albania. Before the drastic changes, Mehmet Elezaj was editor in chief of the Voice of People of Albania, first secretary of the Central Committee of Albania’s Communist Youth League, and later in charge of news and publication of the Central Labor Party in Albania. As a result, he changed to Albania’s ambassador to Switzerland. His book, “I’m Not a December Student,” tells the story of the social upheaval in Albania and its personal experience in the late 1980s and early 1990s. To this end, in October 2016, Prof. Kong Bingbing, director of the Central and Eastern European Research Center of Peking University, interviewed Mr. Elaze in Dinarla. Through interviews with him, people can profoundly understand that if a country wants to develop, it must insist on reform and opening up, stick to its own path and establish a political system that suits its national conditions. Only in this way can the country be prosperous and prosperous, and the living standards of the people can be continuously improved. This article is organized according to the interview, for readers reference.