【摘 要】
【机 构】
3α- and 3β-present cholecalcone (1 and 2) can be used for the treatment of aplastic anemia, the current sale of goods, but the price is more expensive reported in the literature because of the two compounds in the synthesis of poor selectivity, so close The test is based on the testosterone (3) as raw materials, the two compounds were synthesized in the synthesis method to make some improvements to avoid the recovery of raw materials to improve the yield, the synthetic route is as follows.
桂利嗪(cinnarizine, 脑益嗪)已广泛用于脑血管疾病、冠状动脉硬化症等的治疗,其副作用偶有嗜睡、皮疹、胃肠道反应等,但致男性乳房女性化少见,现将笔者采用山东济宁第三制
Endothelial cell death due to increased reactive oxygen species(ROS) may contribute to the initial endothelial injury,which promotes atherosclerotic lesion form
Two new limonoids,1α-tigloyloxy-3α-acetoxyl-7α-hydroxyl-12α-ethoxyl nimbolinin(1) and lα-benzoyloxy-3α-acetoxyl-7α- hydroxyl-12α-ethoxyl nimbolinin(2),w
Lessons should be attributed to expose a class
初步识别假药,是基层药品监督人员在缺少检验设备的情况下,从药品的外观、标签、包装等识别药品的真伪。 一、查问进货渠道及来源 在监督检查中发现有疑点的药品时,应做详细
建立了复方L-18甲基炔诺酮(LNG)长效注射剂中LNG的反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)测定法。采用YWG-C_(18)H_(37)(10μm)柱(150×5mm ΙD),甲醇-水(75:25)流动相,固定波长UV 254 n
岁末年初, 裁员跳槽似乎又成为各行各业的潮流,而在2006 年,最引人注目的辞职跳槽事件当属黄健翔离开央视从吴士宏离别微软加盟TCL,到李开复自微软跳至GOOGLE, 从名人们的选择到普通人的离职,人们跳来跳去的目的无外乎为了更好的心情,为了更大的舞台,为了更高的收入,那么—— 主持人:2006 年11 月16 日,央视足球解说员黄健翔正式辞职的消息迅速蔓延到100 多家大小网站,塞满了各大BB
第一条 根据《进口药品管理办法》第十条的要求,特制订本规定。 第二条 换发《进口药品注册证》必须由生产厂家或其代理商自愿向卫生部药政管理局申请,并须在原注册证失效前
A new 5-O-(β-D-glucopyranosyl)-6’-O-benzoyl-2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract from the whole plants of Trifolium lupinaste