陈振中先生编著的《先秦青铜生产工具》一书 ,已于 2 0 0 4年 4月由厦门大学出版社出版。这是一部煌煌巨著 ,为文 132万言 ,收录各类青铜生产工具 74 0 0多件 ,举凡历来传世品及截至 2 0世纪 90年代初的考古出土资料 ,从 2 8个省、市、自治区的将近百个研究、文博单位的藏品进
Mr. Chen Zhenzhong’s book Pre-Qin Bronze Tools was published by Xiamen University Press in April 2004. This is a Huang Huang masterpiece, 13200 words for the text, collection of all kinds of bronze tools of production more than 7400, cite all the world has passed down the article and the archaeological unearthed in the early 1990s data from 28 provinces, Nearly a hundred autonomous regions, research, cultural units into the collection