借助日趋电脑化的力量,我们的居家环境越来越智能化,居住环境中设备与设备之间的嵌入式传感器及网络连接很可能会让使用者感到茫然.用户交互从一开始操作单一的设备转变为了一系列生态事件组成的庞大系统.人们变成了现实世界与不可见的数码世界之间的调解员.本文主要通过展示部分正在进行中的研究调查,该调研是关于如何利用简洁的设计语义来传达明智居家环境中设备连接的抽象概念.使使用者理解并且构建有意义的智能环境,与之进行相应的互动.我们将通过示范来让用户在一个居家娱乐案例中掌握这种不可见的无线仪器连接.“,”As the environments in which we live become more intelligent- through more computational power, embedded sensors and network connections between the devices that reside in the environment-there is a risk of leaving its users clueless about what is going on. User interaction changes from interaction with a single device into interaction with a larger system-an ecology of things. Physical things are becoming mediators between the physical world and the digital, invisible world that is inside and behind them. The work we present in this article is part of ongoing academic research on using explicit design semantics to convey abstracted models of connections between devices in a smart home environment. This enables users to understand and construct meaningful mental models of the smart environment and interact with it accordingly. We illustrate our findings by presenting a demonstrator that gives users physical control over invisible, wireless connections between devices in a home entertainment scenario.