大众传播环境中 ,当代艺术模式转换已是显著的事实 ,具体表现为艺术与大众日常生活的广泛对话、大众的艺术接受由“阅读 /思考”形式转向“直观视听 /感知”的身体形式、技术材料和手段在当代艺术中的作用明显强化、艺术的意识形态扩张力度愈益表面化等。同时 ,当代大众传播普遍参与大众日常生活、制约人的思想方式 ,又在当代审美文化层面制造了“传播假相”的弥漫 ,客观上导致了当代艺术选择的困难。对于大众传播环境中的当代艺术状况 ,当代审美文化理论研究需要从“展示性”、深度削平、艺术活动的流行性 /消费性与艺术批判性要求的矛盾、技术推动力四个方面加以深入关注和探究
In the environment of mass communication, the transformation of the mode of contemporary art is a remarkable fact. It manifests itself in the extensive dialogue between art and the daily life of the general public. The art of the public is receptive to the body form of “visual / audiovisual perception” from “reading / thinking” The role of materials and instruments in contemporary art is obviously strengthened, and the expansion of artistic ideology is increasingly surfaced. At the same time, contemporary mass media are generally involved in the daily life of the general public and restricting people’s way of thinking. They also create a diffuse “false impression” in the contemporary aesthetic culture and objectively lead to the difficulty of contemporary art selection. For the current state of the art in the environment of mass communication, the contemporary aesthetic culture theory research needs to pay close attention to the contradiction and the technical impetus of the contradictions and the technical impetus of “popularization”, “deep depopulation”, “popularity of art activities” And explore